In the previous move, White made a knight charge to d7, which looked like a…
Category: Puzzles
#14: Can you find the best move for White?
Black’s defense looks solid, and the pieces around the king formed pretty strong ramparts. Still,…
#13: What can White do to refute Black’s last move?
The material is even, and Black’s knights are getting closer to the white king’s fortress….
#12: Find the best White’s move
White is down a pawn, the white king is under attack, Black threatens to join…
#11: What is the fastest win for Black?
White is down a knight and two pawns, but the passed pawn threatens to promote…
#10: Find White’s best winning move
Two moves before this position, Black made a reckless charge with the queen, and was…
#9: Find the best White’s fork
Okay, the title somehow gives a hint about the right solution. However, this time the…
#8: Find the best move for Black
The white king doesn’t feel too safe behind the leaky ramparts, and Black is regrouping…
#7: Can White save the game?
At the position on the diagram, White is up two pawns, but the bishop is…
#6: Find the only Black’s move to win instantly
White is up a pawn, and both players have a passed pawn very close to…