Chess puzzles are essentially chess positions that require the player to make a specific move or series of moves to achieve a desired outcome. The desired outcome can vary, but it is usually either checkmate or a significant material advantage. Puzzles can be found in chess books, online chess websites, and in puzzle books specifically dedicated to chess.
One of the main benefits of chess puzzles is that they help players improve their chess tactics. By regularly solving puzzles, players will learn how to recognize certain patterns on the board, such as pins, forks, and skewers. These patterns are essential to mastering chess tactics, and puzzle-solving is a great way to reinforce them.
Another benefit of solving chess puzzles is that they can help players expand their visualization skills. When solving a puzzle, the player must be able to visualize the board several moves ahead, which can be difficult for beginners. By practicing visualization skills through puzzles, players can develop a stronger ability to see several moves ahead, which will help them during actual games.
#15: What was the idea behind the knight sacrifice?
In the previous move, White made a knight charge to d7, which looked like a mistake. However, Black spotted the trap, and didn’t capture the knight. Can you find the best line for White if the knight was captured?
Continue Reading #15: What was the idea behind the knight sacrifice?
#14: Can you find the best move for White?
Black’s defense looks solid, and the pieces around the king formed pretty strong ramparts. Still, there is a weak point that could have been exploited by White. Will you find it? The player in the real game didn’t, and eventually lost the game.
#13: What can White do to refute Black’s last move?
The material is even, and Black’s knights are getting closer to the white king’s fortress. However, White has a great move to take control of the situation, and enforce the victory. What move is it?
Continue Reading #13: What can White do to refute Black’s last move?
#12: Find the best White’s move
White is down a pawn, the white king is under attack, Black threatens to join the fight with the other bishop and the rooks, so the overall situation doesn’t look too optimistic. However, in the position below, there was a move that could have ensured White’s victory. In the real game, the player didn’t find it. Will you be more successful?
#11: What is the fastest win for Black?
White is down a knight and two pawns, but the passed pawn threatens to promote soon. Black could simply capture it with a rook, let White capture the knight, and win the endgame with two extra pawns. But there is a faster and more effective way to ensure the victory. Can you find it?
#10: Find White’s best winning move
Two moves before this position, Black made a reckless charge with the queen, and was forced to pull back. White’s forces are now coordinated for the ultimate attack. But how should White do it? What would be the best move?
#9: Find the best White’s fork
Okay, the title somehow gives a hint about the right solution. However, this time the puzzle is rather easy, so it’s not a big deal. What is the best move for White?
#8: Find the best move for Black
The white king doesn’t feel too safe behind the leaky ramparts, and Black is regrouping their army to attack. However, White currently threatens with a checkmate at h7. What should Black do now?
#7: Can White save the game?
At the position on the diagram, White is up two pawns, but the bishop is pinned and under attack of two black pieces. White didn’t see a way to save it, and resigned because they expected that after the bishop falls, the remaining white pawns would become an easy target of the black pieces. However, there existed a move to save at least a draw, and most likely to win the game after all. Can you find it?
#6: Find the only Black’s move to win instantly
White is up a pawn, and both players have a passed pawn very close to the respective promotion rank. However, the white king is less guarded, and Black has a chance to make a surprise move to reach a winning position. Can you find it?
Continue Reading #6: Find the only Black’s move to win instantly
#5: White’s next move ensures the victory
What did White do to punish Black for their last move?
#4: Black to move, find the sharpest way to attack
The last White’s move Rf2 seriously weakened the already weak and vulnerable king’s fortress. What is the Black’s best way to exploit it?
Continue Reading #4: Black to move, find the sharpest way to attack
#3: Find the fastest win for White
Black’s position is underdeveloped, and White has a lot more space to maneuver, so the game is already won from the strategic perspective. However, instead of applying the positional advantage, White has a chance to perform a tactical strike to devastate the black army in several moves. Can you find it?
#2: White to move and win
Black’s position was more solid, and now they threaten to capture the pawn d5, get a material advantage and conquer the center. However, the last move h6 was a mistake. How can White exploit it to win?
#1: White to move and win
I would like to use this new category to present the most interesting situations from my chess database, and do it in a form of puzzles. Everybody likes puzzles or not? 😎 Thanks to the huge collection of more than half a million chess games, there would always be a lot of material to choose from. Let’s start with something simple. The game looked more or less balanced, until the last Black’s move â™›d6, that is actually a blunder. What was the White’s follow-up?
Chess puzzles can be a fun and challenging way to improve your chess game. By regularly solving puzzles, players can improve their tactical abilities, visualization skills, and overall understanding of the game. With the wide variety of puzzle types available, there is something for everyone. So, next time you have a few spare minutes, try solving a chess puzzle or two – you never know how much it might improve your game!