The term Wing Gambit is used to refer to a category of openings where White executes an early b4 move to redirect an opponent’s pawn or bishop from the c5 square, thereby enabling White to regain control over the vital central square, d4.
Month: July 2023
Interference: Win by unexpected blocks of the lines
Interference in chess happens when a piece is sacrificially placed between an attacked piece and its defender, interrupting their line of communication. This tactic is infrequent and can be easily missed.
Break through the MacLeod Defense: Another sharp gambit
A knight move in the MacLeod’s Defense (1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Nc6) is considered a waiting maneuver, much like Fischer’s defense is based on a pawn move on d6. It is not one of the most used variants of the King’s Gambit, as the knight will be exposed to attack by White’s central pawns too soon.
Economical mate: No piece left behind
An economical mate is when a checkmate is achieved using all the remaining knights, bishops, rooks, and queens of the attacker in the attack. The attacker’s pawns and king may also participate in the mate, but their contribution is optional and doesn’t affect whether the position is considered an economical mate or not.
Racing Kings: Try something different with your chess set
The Racing Kings, a chess variant created by Vernon R. Parton in 1961, has gained widespread popularity. In this game, the objective is to maneuver your king to the final row faster than your opponent. It’s an excellent option for players who are well-versed in traditional chess rules but want to engage in a faster-paced and more competitive game.
Légal Trap: Every book for beginners quotes it
The Légal Trap, also known as the Blackburne Trap or Légal Pseudo-Sacrifice and Légal Mate, is a well-known chess opening trap that involves sacrificing the queen and then using minor pieces to checkmate if Black captures the queen.
Intermediate: King and two pawns vs. king and pawn
If the stronger side has an extra pawn on one flank and pawns are blocked on the other flank, the attacking player almost always wins. If they cannot directly claim a free pawn, the player wins by surrendering that pawn and gaining the opponent’s blocked pawn.
Learn to play Benko Gambit: Attack from the flank
In this scenario, the player controlling the black pieces willingly gives up a pawn in exchange for facing consistent pressure on the queenside. It is then up to the player controlling the white pieces to decide whether or not they wish to accept the gambit pawn.
Pawn break: How to disrupt the defense line
What exactly is meant by a pawn break? Essentially, it refers to any pawn movement aimed at interfering with the opponent’s pawn structure in some manner. This tactic has various uses, and there are particular scenarios where it can prove to be particularly advantageous.
Hanstein Gambit: Follow the King’s Gambit idea
The Hanstein Gambit, named after a German chess master and journalist Wilhelm Hanstein, is one of the more subdued responses to the King’s Knight Gambit, as Black typically refrains from advancing the pawn to g4. A similar variant, known as the Phillidor’s Gambit, belongs to this category as well – White usually opts for a non-castling move and instead attacks Black’s structure with the pawn 5. h4.