The term Wing Gambit is used to refer to a category of openings where White executes an early b4 move to redirect an opponent’s pawn or bishop from the c5 square, thereby enabling White to regain control over the vital central square, d4.
One of the most typical “wing” openings is the Wing Gambit in the Sicilian Defense. The Sicilian Wing Gambit is a strategic move made early in the game with the intention of throwing off Black’s typical tactics in the Sicilian Defense. This is accomplished by playing 1. e4 c5 2. b4.
Are you tired of opponents who always come prepared with 10–20 moves out of the theory books to play the Dragon or Najdorf variation? Try the Wing Gambit, and make them use their own brains to find the best lines.
White usually enjoys speedy development and early attack chances. Have a look at the following game:
What if Black doesn’t take the second pawn? The most famous example of an early blunder at the master level comes from the US Championship in 1984:
Of course, White can play a better move than the axb4?? blunder. Just replay the next game (this time without comments):