The Leonhardt Gambit begins with the moves 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 ♛xd5 3. ♘c3 ♛a5. In this position, White has several options, but one of the most aggressive is 4. b4!?. This move attacks Black’s queen and forces her to move, allowing White to gain rapid development and put pressure on Black’s position.
The main idea behind this gambit is to create a strong attack on Black’s king while maintaining a lead in development. If Black accepts the gambit with 4. … ♛xb4, then White can follow up with 5. ♖b1 ♛d6 6. ♘b5 ♛d8 7. ♖b3, which prepares to double rooks on the b-file and launch a strong attack.
But! This article is about a trap, so let’s see what can happen if White chooses a less stable, but still intriguing line: 5. ♘g5!?
While the Leonhardt Gambit may not be the most sound or reliable opening, it can be a powerful weapon in the hands of aggressive and creative players. And the opportunity to sacrifice the bishop on f7 is simply priceless, especially in blitz games. Go ahead and try it at least once. 😎