It appears that the title of this article is one of the least comprehensive among all the posts on this blog. Let me shed some light on it.
The Hedgehog is a strategic setup in chess often utilized by Black and can emerge from various openings. It involves exchanging Black’s c5 pawn with White’s d4 pawn and then positioning pawns on a6, b6, d6, and e6. These pawns create a distinctive row of “spines”, serving as a protective barrier behind which Black can efficiently develop their forces.
In this setup, the usual placement of pieces for Black involves bishops on b7 and e7, knights on d7 and f6, the queen on c7, and rooks on c8 and e8 (or c8 and d8). While Black’s position may feel restricted at first, it possesses considerable untapped potential that can be unleashed in the later stages of the game.
Allow me to illustrate the Hedgehog concept through the upcoming game: